VT-3U Hardware key driver
Difference between VacTran VT-3S and VacTran VT-3U
VacTran VT-3S does not require a hardware key driver, since it uses a software key. VT-3U is a legacy version that requires a physical USB hardware key. Although VT-3U is no longer sold, VT-3S and VT-3U are functionally identical other than the use of software or hardware keys. VT-3S activation works with a license server, so an internet connection is required for initial registration.
VacTran VT-3U is no longer offered for sale, but is still supported. The VT-3U license version 3.xx can be exchanged for a VT-3S license at no cost other than shipping the old USB key at the user's expense, by contacting PEC at [email protected].
Driver Installation
Installation of the VT-3U hardware key driver is done at the same time that VacTran is installed. In most cases, the process is simple and transparent to the user.
If you need to manually install the hardware key driver, use the following menu in VacTran:
VacTran VT-3S does not require a hardware key driver, since it uses a software key. VT-3U is a legacy version that requires a physical USB hardware key. Although VT-3U is no longer sold, VT-3S and VT-3U are functionally identical other than the use of software or hardware keys. VT-3S activation works with a license server, so an internet connection is required for initial registration.
VacTran VT-3U is no longer offered for sale, but is still supported. The VT-3U license version 3.xx can be exchanged for a VT-3S license at no cost other than shipping the old USB key at the user's expense, by contacting PEC at [email protected].
Driver Installation
Installation of the VT-3U hardware key driver is done at the same time that VacTran is installed. In most cases, the process is simple and transparent to the user.
If you need to manually install the hardware key driver, use the following menu in VacTran:
Trouble shooting
If none of the following suggestions are helpful in recognizing the USB hardware key (VT-3U), please request an exchange for the more reliable software key (VT-3S).
If the USB key is not recognized by VacTran, you can run a small diagnostic called Sentinel Advanced Medic published by SafeNet that can help isolate issues with the key. You can download it from the link below.
The most likely reasons for the key not working are
1) VacTran was installed without the user logged into Windows with full administrative privileges
2) Anti-virus software may need to be set manually to "trust" the installer, particularly the software driver for the key. For example, If you have Norton Security Suite, go to Settings / Firewall /Program Rules. Set “Allow” for the Sentinel Protection Server.
You can find the installer in your Program Files/Common Files/PEC/USB Key Installer folder, or download it from the link below. When running the driver installer, don't forget that you have to be logged into your machine with full administrative privileges. You may need to restart Windows after installation.
3) VacTran wasn't designed or tested for remote access use, such as network server or virtual machine environment.
Sentinel DriverThis is software published by SafeNet that enables VacTran to communicate with the hardware key. The most current version of this driver has been updated for compatibility with Windows 8. This driver can also be downloaded directly from the Safenet web site at http://www.safenet-inc.com/support-downloads/sentinel-drivers/.
Sentinel Advanced Medic (diagnostic)This is an optional tool published by Safenet to test communication with the hardware key. This program is not necessary for running VacTran.
Additional troubleshooting information
Safenet Sentinel End User Guide has some additional tips for resolving issues with the hardware key.